We Need Your Vote!

We Need Your Vote!

We Need Your Vote!

Hey there!

Have you visited the new Chester Market yet? It's been just four months since we opened and we've already had a whopping 300,000 visitors in the first month alone! That's how amazing this new venue is!

As one of the proud traders in this market, I can tell you that the most prominent feature of this new venue is the large bar situated at the center of the building, surrounded by food stalls and a sleek seating area right in front of it. This bar has kept the market buzzing even in the evenings, and we stallholders couldn't be happier! And if you do treat yourselves to a drink while visiting, don't forget we also sell doggy drinks in Digby and Champ, so treat your four legged friend too!

Oh - and guess what? A recent addition to the new market is the popular display featuring Chester depicted in Lego bricks. It's moved to its new home and will be raising money for different charities by welcoming donations from those enjoying it. This unique display was previously based in the old market.

Cestrians and visitors have wholeheartedly embraced this new venue, making it a huge success in such a short span of time. But here's where Digby and Champ need your help. We need you to let the world know just how much you love us! Cheshire Live have a poll for you to choose your favourite New Market trader, and let me tell you, it's a tough decision to make as there are so many great options! Even though there should only be one clear choice ;)

So, what are you waiting for? Come and visit us at the new Chester Market and don't forget to take the poll by clicking here!

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